Memorials & Anniversaries
Are you looking at gathering with a few family and friends and taking some time to celebrate and remember...
Baby Naming Ceremonies
Welcoming a new baby into the world is a joyous occasion for all those involved, which is why more...
Vow Renewals
Renewing your vows? Why not! Many couples want to celebrate and reaffirm their love and commitment for one another...
House Blessings/Dedication
A house blessing or dedication is an enjoyable way to welcome family and friends into your new home. This...
Paul Skippen (Celebrant)
Do you want your special day to be remembered? On This Day Ceremonies does! Led by Paul Skippen, On...
Great Music for Every Occasion
Weddings, Funerals, Anniversaries, Naming Ceremonies, Memorials …
Since graduating from Melbourne’s contemporary music college, Collarts (Australian College of the Arts),...